It's Sunday night and I'm completely devastated and worn. I started my new and improved social life on Wednesday with going out to pizza with the choir, enjoying more or less free wine and being past the stage of having to explain my background to everybody. Sometimes it would be nice to be mute, though being in a choir wouldn't make much sense. Maybe I could start my own retard choir; sometimes I get the feeling that I'm actually retarded and the only reason for me being where I am is either because of a) people taking pity in me or b) it's a social experiment of implementation. Being pretty intoxicated we decided the Opium Den untill closing time would be a good way of passing the rest of the night, which it was.
Thursday work ate away a lot of the day, but I took a long break to have crappy and expensive food on Gertrude street (not going back there again, 2nd strike and way out), go shopping for a winter jacket and buying a Clemente Talarico shirt instead and getting a brochure with their gorgeous model which I day dream about for the rest of the day, and getting some more records; "shut up and dance" 3cd electro compilation and a soul collection that I rated 5 stars in my itunes. After picking up the records it had started raining so I lounged back to the office under my glossy CT shopping bag with a french hot chocolate in my right hand. Thank god for that place, they fix any bad day. After work I went to the gym to watch television while burning some aggro and k's on the treadmill. It's pretty good watching telly while jogging because you don't realize how long you're on there for; you're being entertained on individul screens on each treadmill. Suddenly your knees start hurting and you realize you've been watching the home shopper's channel for hours though. After me and some friends did a small tour of our favourite joints in Fitzroy.
Friday I was supposed to hold a presentation at work, but nobody else had prepared, so we just had Cooper's vintage beers and lots of red wine instead. Went to the gym for my lunch break and did lower body as I knew there would be no way I'd do that after the office drinks. My legs are still malfunctioning today, so I suppose I did a good job. For the night we went to Miss Libertine in the city which had heaps of German Dj's on, but before reaching that point we did a tour of smith street's waterholes and grabbing a 'bab. A hottie I dated a bit after new years texted me later that night saying he was coming to Melbs next weekend and I replied friendly "I'd be happy to catch up" in text 1, shortly after, text 2 "I've missed getting you out of your aussiebums ;)", he replies "I'm bringing my bf". Later I bump in to Random Table Share and give him my phonenumber on a note to make myself not feel like a total L. RTS was a guy I bumped into at a tiny japanese restaurant in the city where the only free seat in the joint was at his table and he didn't mind sharing. While eating my teriyaki chicken he kept giving me these ambiguous glances, but silence all through the meal. At the end I said It was nice sharing a table with him and that we should do it again sometime soon, and he responds he's dating a chick. Anyhow, it's still worth a shot, randomly bumping into him a second time. Faith's a bitch.
Saturday I spent catching up with X at the market before Sunray and I started looking yet again for The Winter Jacket, this weekend's fashion mission. We were all over the place and looked at everything ranging from "What were they thinking" to "I could pay a whole african village's tuition for a year, or I could look good in this". I'm too fussy with these things and just can't be bothered to buy something I don't really like, so we went home to my place and had red wine, vegetarian risotto, parmesan and GT's instead. Then we went dancing at 1st floor where Sydney hip hop hot female quartet "killer queens" were playing. Whenever I go out dancing and really enjoy myself, usually accompanied by being off my tits intoxicated, I toss my head as if I were having a seizure, so now not only are my legs slightly malfunctioning from Friday's workout, but I have a sore neck as well. I'm having a deep tissue massage this week for sure. After 1st floor we went to the Peel to escape the 2am lockout were Nothing Exciting happened, except for this screaming wanker who thought I was on drugs. But we know what to do kids, you just say "No!".. Luckily I had learned the sign language signs for "shut up you cunt".
Today I met up with a Boy for the second time and as the last time we had stupid amounts of fun. We went to fashionable stores like the fashion victims we are looking for The Jacket, sporting his heavy grocery bag with sundried tomatoes and large amounts of capers. It might have been a bit humiliating, but at least he was getting a good workout carrying it. Later he accidentally confiscated my umbrella on the train to Prarhan, so now we have to meet up again :)
Tonight I've had Thai for dinner, done about 10 weeks of washing, cleaned my room, tailored a shirt (it's still too big) and talked to friends back home. It's Soccer season back home, so the newspapers are full of footy stories as there's seriously nothing else going on in my small town (the other headline is people complaining about the neighbour's choice of time to mow the lawn). The latest was on a kid becoming the youngest supporter ever. The father called the fan club to have her enrolled as she was being born. How unpleasant would that phonecall be, seriously? Moaning and screaming and placenta splashing to the ground in the background.. Not something I'd like to have in my voicemail box anytime. Apparently Tom Cruise had Kate's placenta in a milkshake.
While writing this itunes pumped some Stevie Wonder, Young love by Mystery jets, 2042 L.A. dreams by Gentlemen drivers, Patrick Fiske's 'Receiver', and the excellent sink or swim mix by Devlin & Pretty titty. And I'm getting up in five hours to go to the gym...?
Oh my jesus, I just saw a picture of a placenta. How unpleasant.