Sunday, June 29, 2008

2 megapixels and counting

Today I slept in and the only reason I awoke at 1pm was because my alarm went off. I had a lovely brekkie in my kitchen at 3 with polish rye bread, avo and prosciutto with the gas stove top flickering in the background, not so much for ambiance but more to prevent hypothermia.

Tonight we have a concert in a tiny church in Richmond, so I've just handwashed all of my black clothes and some of my jeans as our washer is a piece of shit. As I was soaking my Sixty's I couldn't help but think of those poor Italian kids coming home from an 18 hour day at the factory with dye coloured hands and scurvy.

Some random snaps from my cell (can't be bothered to carry my slr all the time).

It'd be like totally awesome to have some shots of my latest piece in like one of the grafitti laneways. I can dress in skinny jeans and look kinda grungy. Wanker.


tyler said...

i thought i left a comment on your thursday's blog but i don't see it there so i'm guessing i didn't actually do it or...ok whatever.
anyway: i am definitely aware that i am commenting on this blog entry.
i'm appreciating your loopy style of writing which to be truthful moves in and out of loopidity. i like that.
in regards to your comment somewhere along the line in your entries about not having any or few readers. this may be true but many people may be reading and not commenting or you may be correct: may be no one is reading. for me, either situation is beside the point of blogging. i do it to get things off my chest, off my heart and off my soul.
my blog is 99% real, truthful...sometimes painfully so: for me and for my readers (which are also few and far between).
blogging for me is for me: it allows me to tap into my inner core and verbalize all the shit that tends to fuck you up emotionally should it remain unspoken and not revealed: revealed to myself not particularly to others.
i have gotten some hair synging remarks on my blog to things that i have written and this is ok: i publish everything...both the good and the bad whatever that means in this context.
so enoough.
you can publish this if you like or is up to you.
but i just needed to let you know that i am reading your stuff and i am enjoying it.

Happy said...

Hey Tyler,

sorry for keeping you hanging there, not my intention! I just found this sweet tab in my blog somewhere called "posting, moderate comments".. I'm getting savvier by the moment.

Like you say, blogging's a therapeutic action. I don't write to gain the interest of others, rather to get a better perspective on my own affairs and to verbalize the issues I'm debating. It's so much easier to understand one own's feelings when one has something on paper (and so true for all the other things one tends to procrastinate here in life as well).

Anyhow, thanks for the shout! :-)

Ps: I saw you had gotten your iTunes out as well. :p